Justin Miguel Scofield

SWE at Google

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Homebrew development
  • Financial markets

  • Languages
  • C++
  • Python
  • PHP
  • Lisp (MIT/GNU Scheme λ)

  • Yet Another Zelda3 Editor

    General purpose game editor for the Super Nintendo title The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past. Built using C++ and making extensive use of assembly for dynamically editing the game code while reducing the risks of corruption. Developed using C++ and built for all platforms.

    Premia - Trading Client for Stocks and Cryptocurrency

    Makes use of the TDAmeritrade API. Capable of fetching real time quote data using asynchronous WebSocket sessions. Intended to be able to perform trades based on popular indicators and portfolio allocation equations. Developed using C++ and SDL.

    Delta Seeker - Machine Learning Stock Predictions

    Uses Neuroph to create ensemble machine learning models based on a variety of different algorithms and transfer functions. Goal is to be able to make price predictions for stocks on short term and long time time scales. Uses the TDAmeritrade API and developed in Java.

  • ZEN3MP - Microblog Content Management System

    Lightweight social media style website with user profiles, posting, comments, direct messages, and friend system. Developed using PHP and MySQL

    Google - Software Engineer
    New York, NY - (June 2023 - Present)

    Google - Software Engineer Intern
    New York, NY - (May 2022 - August 2022)

  • Backend API development for the Google Cloud Contact Center AI Insights product.
  • Completed the Delete Topic API for the Insights Topic Model.
  • Gained experience with distributed cloud computing and microservices architecture.

  • Sherwin Williams - Sales Associate
    Joliet, IL - (August 2018 - May 2022)
  • Extensive product knowledge of residential paints, commercial products, industrial coatings, and accessories.
  • Responsible for opening the store, closing the registers, managing cash, and making bank deposits.
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